life sucks

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Location: New Delhi, India

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours

It's that time of the year again. How many times me and another colleague would have rated this one as the most boring, banal intros for a news story. It's the most befitting one in the current situation though. After all, it's time for appraisals. Wow, that was achieved with some flourish, I wish I could display the same amount of alacrity in filling up the appraisal forms. A kind-of-cute HR guy (I wonder if he was married...*sigh*) took us through a long and tedious process of what was their idea of fair judgment. I call it been there, done no avail. No, the process hasn't filled me with any sort of dread, (I'm not a workshirker), but with a deep sense of cynicism. What's the bloody point?
To be absolutely fair, I and only I know the kind of commitment I have for my work. And the honesty with which I do it. Despite everything. My superior (to borrow a word from the cute HR guy's lexicon), really doesn't have an inkling of what I do and how I do it.
So, now the question is, how would he appraise me? Obviously, he'd find me disappointingly short of his expectations (if any). Yeah, this does sound like my word against his. So what's the solution? And the point for this post?
See, the solution is nothing. That I would get a less-than-flattering increment, that is if I get any, is for sure.
The point of this post, which I have been very inarticulate in making, is that I'm angry and disappointed at this system. A process where word of people telling absolute lies about their work and themselves, is taken as the gospel truth. Where people like me will probably die without a whimper.
But what I hate the most about this state-of-affairs is my inability to do anything about it.
And if you are wondering about the title of the post, it's what some people who will get an increment, do here.