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Sunday, July 31, 2005

If work is worship.... then I'm an atheist

No, I didn't want to crib, but I'm so bloody furious right now that its not funny. I mean, what would I not do to kill this man...this man...who's supposed to be my superior..who does absolutely nothing to earn his fat paycheck, while I work myself to death. Okay, so I exaggerated just a little bit. But the fact is that he's an miserable incompetent nincompoop. But that's not what is interesting about him. Watching or observing his work (or the lack of it) is an incredible learning experience. See how he ducks work, dodges any kind of responsibility and totally shrugs off any kind of decision-making that puts him in the line of fire. All this while maintaining this excellent facade of being hopelessly committed to work, peering into the computer screen for all the eight hours of required duty as if his life depended on it.
After six months of employment here, he still didn't know his way around. Displaying amazing alacrity, he will delegate his share of co-ordination to minion mortals like me.
He possess other Godforsaken qualities as well, but they have to be experienced to be believed. Small things, for instance, he'll cry himself hoarse, calling out your name, without paying slightest regard to the fact that you're on phone taking down important details.
Similarily today, he must have called for me about a dozen-and-a-half times, when I was filing a story. He wanted to give me details about a page. Only there weren't any. Stories on that page were still being filed, I was at sea on being summoned over in this fashion. Why? But I knew better than to ask.
While my colleagues and I would be going feverish over the edition, he value-adds zilch to it. No headlines, no creative inputs and absolutely no brainwave. Nothing. If you are seeking any kind of work-related assistance from him, you are barking up the wrong tree, mate!
By the way, did I also mention that he hardly ever moves? I mean physically. After maybe coming into the office and leaving it, he gets up to go nowhere. Not even to take a leak .

PS: Okay, that's enough of name-calling or snitching to the world wide web about my workplace. Don't be surprised if I delete this post in a couple of days, I was only trying to let my steam off, not booking a place in hell which I'll be totally entitled to after God reads this.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


8:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bet you are talking about the great Charlie.

1:16 AM  
Blogger PS said...

AS:'ll get back to you on this one ;)

AB: Confusing isn't it...but no, it isn't him, he isn't worth a blog

3:35 AM  
Blogger mad angles said...

Oh my god! This is so funny! I of course know which guy you are talking about. I will not comment because that would involve breaking the vow (that of not cursing). But this is Jay-like funny Ps!! You'll be a good angry clown if ever u want to move over to the entertainment industry!

8:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Which guy? Kindly enlighten

12:30 AM  

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